Category: Cities

Who benefits from productive activities? Analysis of the case of Cureghem

Case study report: The Maker-Mile in East London

CoM policy recommendations

Workshop: NDSM

Case study report: London Borough of Haringey

Case study report: Old Oak and Park Royal (OPDC)

Profiles: Wood in Molenbeek – Brussels

Profiles: Gillis Printing – Brussels

Local-recall (Seoul)

Foundries of the Future: A Guide For 21st Century Cities of Making.

Brussels, a city of making

Profiles: Cantillon – Brussels

Profiles: BIGH – Brussels

Profiles: Citydev.brussels

Profiles: CF2D – Brussels

Profiles: Loewenstein Machines – Brussels

Profiles: Screen Group – Brussels

Integrating manufacturing in the city: a few common patterns

Making Cities Work! 6-11 September 2019 (Brussels)

A vision for urban manufacturing

Profiles: Pragma Plexi / Treize – Brussels

Profile: Sewoon – a City of Making (in Seoul)

Profiles: Löwy & La Wetterenoise – Brussels

The Makers Map

Profiles: Petrus Neon – Brussels

Profiles: Public Practice, London

Profiles: Poplar Works, London

Profiles: East End Trades Guild, Guardians of the Arches and the London Working Rent, London

Profiles: Mark Brearley – Kaymet – London

Build it in Britain and why manufacturing matters for communities

London: a Future for Making

Rotterdam: bringing on the Next Economy

Brussels: four areas for action

Cities of Making: Insights From Brussels, London and Rotterdam

London’s manufacturing: a brief history

Brussels’ manufacturing: a brief history

Rotterdam’s manufacturing: a brief history

Mapping London’s makers

London: making space for manufacturing in the city

The Cities Report


Think Manufacturing in London Is No More? Think Again.

London’s celebrations of design should be celebrations of manufacturing too

So, why do we need manufacturing in the UK?

Robots May Well Pose an Existential Threat. But We Are Lost Without Them.

Cities of making: the role of manufacturing in a thriving city